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Atlas Eos 2.5em Power Cable
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Atlas Eos 2.5em Power CableAtlas Eos 2.5em Power CableAtlas Eos 2.5em Power Cable

Atlas Eos 2.5em Power Cable

£317.08 Exc. VAT |  |

Atlas Eos 2.5em Power Cable

It’s long been known that the quality of mains power can notably affect the performance of hifi & home cinema systems. A clean, quality power supply requires cables resistant to external interference and noise on the mains itself.
These factors and the degree to which they can degrade audio performance have perhaps been underestimated previously, only recently coming to play a critical role in many manufacturers’ product design strategies. At Atlas, such issues have been a core consideration for several years, culminating in the introduction of our latest Eos ‘em’ power cables and distribution blocks, the third generation of our advanced ‘noise-killing’ products.
The Eos 2.5em Power Cable uses high purity 2.5mm² OFC conductors in combination with a carbon-loaded screen with our dd (dual drain) termination configuration enclosed within a high-efficiency stable PVC dielectric. The 2.5em is specifically designed to deliver optimum performance from high-quality audio systems and is an ideal choice to use between wall socket and our Eos Modular 2.5em power block.
Power management is required principally due to the increasingly negative impact of electrical, radio frequency and electromagnetic noise pollution flooding our homes and daily life. Our replay equipment has come under assault by extraneous high energy broad spectrum noise, both airborne and directly induced through the mains supply circuits.
Wi-fi networks, BlueTooth devices, mobile & domestic cordless phones, ‘wall wart’ power adapters, low voltage light bulbs & dimmer switches are among the worst noise-generating culprits.
Eos power cables are sophisticated products explicitly designed to allow your equipment to perform optimally. Built around high purity OFC (Oxygen Free Copper), with low series resistance, high-efficiency dielectrics and sophisticated screening, Eos 2.5em cables effectively filter out harmful electromagnetic disturbance effects, radio frequency interference and mains-borne noise contamination, dumping these rapidly to earth.
By comparison, a typical domestic power lead lacks the quality of component parts, screening layers, dual drain system and anti-vibration treatment we employ in Eos. Atlas Eos products are best used as part of a complete Eos Power Management System for maximum effectiveness.

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